
Members directory

Hitesh Ashok kukania

33 / Male / Single / Mumbai

I have my own mobile repairing shop good earning fully independent

Keyur Dineshbhai Patel

34 / Male / Single / Surat

Tabsum Bano

32 / Female / Never Married / Bikaner

Asma Mahmadbhai Gaha

42 / Female / Single / Bhavnagar

I am a very motivated girl I want to in wa be a Government teacher but my name is on the waiting list disability is not a barrier for me i  am fully independent......


33 / Male / Single / Hapur

I am working as an electrician good earning this little disability is not a difficulty for me in my daily life

Pradip Zaware

32 / Male / Single / Ahmadnagar

I am working in a private firm and disability is not a issue for me in daily life

shama Ansari

26 / Female / Divorced / sawaimadhopur

Priti kumari

26 / Female / Single / Ranchi

I am fully independent I can do all homely work even I can travel independently I have fully religious and have little bit disability in one leg


31 / Male / Single / Mumbai

Even I have disability but I can do all my work independently I am working as an accountant in a private firm sufficient earning


38 / Male / Never Married / DELHI

I am working in brail library in the University of Delhi My disability is not a problem for I can do all my daily routine work myself......

Sagar Ingle

30 / Male / Never Married / Buldana

I have and and working the agriculture

Harpal Singer

37 / Male / Never Married / Amritsar


28 / Male / Never Married / Hyderabad

Lets be friends 1st and check our compatibility of various things..coder by life

Nitin khuspe

38 / Male / Awaiting divorce / Satara

I am working as a civil Engineer in a private firm I have no child awaiting for divorce good earning to run family expenses

Sonali Rangari

33 / Female / Single / Nagpur

I am working as a Deputy Manager HR in Reliance Industries. I fully Independent

Tannu Ran

28 / Female / Never Married / Patna

I am from very poor family I want to marry with a person who lives in Bihar and he must care me and accept me with my diisability

Abhilesh kumar

32 / Male / Single / Jehanabad

I am working as a tailor master well earning fully independent in daily routine work

Nishant kumar

30 / Male / Never Married / Biharsarif

Concerns or questions?

Having problem in finding the right one? need someone to assist you? please give us a call on +91 9829556087 or upgrade to GOLD MEMBERSHIP


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