
Members directory

Aakash kumar

31 / Male / Divorced / Modingar Ghaziabad

I am physically fit but want to marry a disabled girl I am working in the field of real state good earning a nice home environment

Tabsum Bano

32 / Female / Never Married / Bikaner

Rahul Garg

27 / Male / Single / Agra

I am working in RBI Lucknow good salary and good family back ground

Anurag sharma

32 / Male / Single / Gurgaon

My brother is working in a reputed company hundsome earning his disability is not barrier for his routine life


34 / Female / Never Married / New Delhi

I am working as a anganbadi worker with Govt of Delhi in Uttam Nagar

Nikita agrawal

28 / Female / Single / Sabalgarh

I am running my home tuition center I earn an average amount fully independent for my personal expenses


42 / Male / Never Married / Rohtak

I do car sale -purchase business for a living and earn around 2.5 Lakhs per annum out of it i have 6 bigga land and a house built in 500 yards


37 / Male / Never Married / Birapur

I have my own tution center so we have no problem about earning

Bharat Wadhawan

33 / Male / Never Married / Agra

Shubham Soni

39 / Male / Never Married / Khandwa

I am Nayab Tahsildar at khandwa MP working well

Sugandha taneja

34 / Female / Never Married / panipat

I am working as-assistant merchantiser in export my annual income is 6 Lakhs


26 / Female / Never Married / Pune

My daughter is cute she can do all house hold work disability is not difficulty for her in daily life

avdhesh kumar

27 / Male / Never Married / any

I have completed my B Sc and working as a software engineer fully independent.....

Nirav gurjar

28 / Male / Single / Bharuch

I am a good behavior person working in a company as a instrument control officer even i have some problem in my leg but I can drive motorcycle and run without any support..

Prity Kumari

29 / Female / Never Married / Patna

she can do all homely work disability is not challenge for her .......

Ankush Kumar

35 / Male / Prefer not to say / Mumbai

I am working in a private factory in real word I am not divyang but I want to marry with a divyang girl money is not matter for me No cast bar little bit disability is acceptable,,,,,

Divya Srivastava

25 / Female / Never Married / Lucknow

My sister is a very simple girl she can do all homely work......


32 / Female / Single / Akola

My sister is very cute she know all homely work even she is Model also she is awarded in many events for her beautifulness......

Concerns or questions?

Having problem in finding the right one? need someone to assist you? please give us a call on +91 9829556087 or upgrade to GOLD MEMBERSHIP


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