Professional Details
- Highest Education
Higher Secondary
- Education in Detail
I have studied till 12th class. I couldn’t study further due to visual problem and also i wanted to spend my time in my own business.
- Employed In
- Income
Religion Details
- Caste
- Gothra(m)
- Manglik
- Weight
70 kg
- Height
5 feet 7 inch
- Hair Color
- Body Type
- Complexion
- Type of Disability
- Details of Disability
Low vision is the issue since birth. But, I can do all my work without any additional assistance. I am handling hardware business. I am able to ride as well. I browse internet. The only issue is : low vision.
Myself Summary
- About me
I am very simple and easy going person. I have very less complaints in my life. I am fond of watching youtube and play with kids. I am very focussed and sincere person. I like to dress up well. I wake up every day at 6 and go to bed early as well. I like going out to restaurants as well.
- Family
I have one elder sister and my sister has two kids. I love playing with them. I live with my mother and father. My mother is homemaker and my father is businessman. I helped my father in his hardware business (retail and wholesale both). I have 3 chacha and 3 bhua. All lives in jodhpur. Hence, I have never felt alone because we all usually meet on all festivals and many more occasions. My brother-in-law is software engineer and works in Pune. I am very lucky to get such a big and loving family.
Looking for
- Things I am looking for in a person are:
I am looking for a girl who can spend rest of her life with me and enjoy every moment. If needed, she can help me in growing my business. She should be able to do her most of the routine work herself. She should be able to stand by me at all difficult times and support me and my family.